Category Archives: News
Veterans Emergency Room Relief Act of 2017.
Senator Bill Cassidy (LA), a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, introduced S. 1261, the Veterans Emergency Room Relief Act of 2017. This bill would require VA to contract with community urgent care providers and pay reasonable costs for … Continue reading
Public Law 115-62, the Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2017,
On September 29, Public Law 115-62, the Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2017, was enacted into law. The bill extends a number of current authorities in veterans’ programs, including Health Care, Benefits, Homelessness, and other matters. The … Continue reading
• Claims for WW II mustard gas exposure:
Claims being made on behalf of WW II veterans for mustard gas exposure must be – I. for full body exposure II. the veteran must have served at at least 1 of the 22 known locations
• VA hearing and vision benefits:
The Department of Veterans Affairs will ensure access to audiology and eye care services including preventive health (care) services and routine vision testing for all enrolled veterans and those veterans exempt from enrollment. The VA will provide eyeglasses and hearing … Continue reading
• 5 Things for Veterans to know about expanded GI benefits:
Since the Forever GI Bill was passed there have been many questions asked of veteran service organization service officer. Following are 5 things I believe will answer many questions about the bill: 1. Veterans whose colleges shut down in the … Continue reading
Service Members & Veterans Empowerment & Support Act of 2017
DAV supports S. 833, the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act of 2017, in accordance with DAV Resolution No. 042, which calls for improvement to the process for determining service connection for conditions related to military sexual trauma (MST). … Continue reading
VA Telehealth:
The Department of Veterans Affairs is moving forward with a plan to enable VA doctors to treat veterans through telehealth no matter where the doctor or patient are located. Officials said the 28-page proposed order, unveiled on 29 SEP under … Continue reading
VA ID card:
New Photo Cards Available in NOV 2017 -All honorably discharged veterans of every era will be able to get a photo identification card from the Department of Veterans Affairs starting in November due to a law passed in 2015. The … Continue reading
VA Individual Unemployability:
Months after Veterans Affairs officials dropped plans for a controversial benefits cut, the families of those who would have been affected still fear they could lose thousands in monthly payouts. Confusion over the short-lived plan this week forced department leaders … Continue reading
Educational assistance – dependents and survivors:
The Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) program offers up to 45 months of education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, or of service members who died … Continue reading