Category Archives: News
War on Terrorism Memorial:
Military veterans of the war on terrorism deserve a memorial. Let’s hope they don’t have to wait as long for it as World War II veterans did theirs. Pittsburgher Andrew Brennan, an Army veteran who flew helicopters in Afghanistan, has … Continue reading
Phony telephone number scam targets veterans:
The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning regarding a new scam, preying on veterans who are making decisions about their medical care. The VA’s Veterans Choice Program allows eligible vets to use approved health-care providers outside of the VA … Continue reading
Shulkin will decide whether to add more conditions to Agent Orange list by Nov. 1
VA Secretary David J. Shulkin will decide “on or before” Nov. 1 whether to add to the list of medical conditions the Department of Veteran Affairs presumes are associated to Agent Orange or other herbicides sprayed during the Vietnam War, … Continue reading
Caregiver Act:
There are questions going around that the Caregiver Act should be eligible for all veterans not just post 9/11 veterans. If the change is approve it will require legislative action. If you feel that the Caregiver Act should apply to … Continue reading
Unanimous House passage of Forever GI Bill:
The U.S. House of Representatives on July 23, 2017showed unquestionable, bipartisan commitment to America’s student veterans by voting 405-0 to pass H.R. 3218, the #ForeverGIBill. H.R. 3218 addresses current gaps in Post-9/11 GI Bill eligibility and coverage. It ensures more … Continue reading
Committee Approval of Comprehensive G.I. Bill Reforms:
The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, today applauded the bipartisan committee approval of the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, legislation to improve veterans’ education benefits and enhance the post-9/11 G.I. Bill. This bill eliminates the arbitrary … Continue reading
Dept. of Oklahoma
The Department of Oklahoma received the Division 2 Local Veterans Assistance Award in recognition of leading volunteer efforts to serve the interest of veterans and their families. The juniors were recognized for their efforts in assisting veterans and their families. … Continue reading
VA defends plan to cut thousands of dollars from elderly vets’ benefits:
On May 24th, Veterans Affairs officials defended plans to strip ten of thousands of dollars in unemployment benefits from elderly veterans as responsible reforms to the department’s growing budget.. Included in President Trump’s $186.5 billion VA budget for fiscal 20185 … Continue reading
Vietnam memorial statue installed in Memorial Park, Oklahoma City:
A new sculpture was installed in Oklahoma City’s Asian District on July 6th and it is designed to honor those who risked their lives during the Vietnam War. Military Park is the new home to the “Brothers in Arms” statue … Continue reading
• Pending legislation:
H.R. 2810: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and … Continue reading