The VA Family Caregiver Program – Family Caregivers provide crucial support in caring for Veterans. VA recognizes that Family Caregivers in a home environment can
enhance the health and well-being of Veterans under VA care. Under the “Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010, ” additional VA services are now available to seriously injured post-9/11 Veterans and their Family Caregivers through a new program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers. VA is now accepting applications for these services.
Who Is Eligible?
Veterans eligible for this program are those who sustained a serious injury –
including traumatic brain injury, psychological trauma or other mental disorder
– incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, on or after September 11, 2001.
Veterans eligible for this program must also be in need of personal care services
because of an inability to perform one or more activities of daily living and/or need supervision
or protection based on symptoms or residuals of neurological impairment or injury
Caregiver Benefits
Obama Vetoes Annual Defense Authorization Bill
President Obama vetoed the annual defense authorization bill Thursday as part of an ongoing fight with congressional Republicans over the federal budget that has left a host of military policy changes caught in the crossfire.
The move puts in doubt whether lawmakers can complete a planned overhaul of the military retirement system and whether a host of military specialty pays and bonuses will be renewed in January. The authorization bill has been signed into law for 53 consecutive years, a rare piece of bipartisan compromise through eras of partisan fighting.
Americans Encouraged To Greenlight Opportunity For Transitioning Veterans:
America’s veterans are some of our nation’s bravest, hardest-working men and women. However, it’s hard to show them the appreciation they deserve when, back home and out of uniform, they’re more camouflaged than ever. Greenlight A Vet is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green.
Walmart is starting a campaign to honor veterans and they are asking everyone to shine a green light through the month on November to show support for veterans.
Those interested in participating in the campaign are encouraged to change one light to green in a visible location, such as a porch light at home or an office light at work and keep it glowing every day as a sign of support for the nation’s veterans
Sen. Murray Calls for Overhaul of VA Choice Card Program:
According to an October 23 Military Times article by Patricia Kime, the former chairwoman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee wants to overhaul the VA Choice program, the initiative that lets veterans see private physicians if they can’t get an appointment at a VA medical center.
Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday, Murray proposed an overhaul to Choice that would include strict guidance and clear eligibility rules designed to help veterans fully understand the program.
She said a revision also should streamline the process for doctors and medical personnel and the system itself, which suffers from duplication of contracts to provide non-VA care as well as mismanagement.
Marine Vet Brings Armed Forces Vietnam Radio to American Airwaves:
Almost 50 years after Adrian Cronauer belted out his signature “Gooooooood Morning, Vietnam!” across Southeast Asia, a Marine veteran is bringing original Armed Forces Vietnam Network broadcasts to American airwaves.
Former Sgt. Harry Simons, an AFVN disc jockey with the call sign “Your Brother” in Saigon and Da Nang from 1967 to 1969, teamed up with Florida-based WEBY radio to broadcast original AFVN radio programming in a tribute to America’s veterans.
The commemoration will air from 4-6 p.m. CST, Oct. 26 through Oct. 30, on 1330 AM in the American southeast and live-streamed on the station’s website. An encore presentation will also air in its entirety from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.
Insomnia, Another Hidden War Wound
According to an October 20 posting by Peter S. Green on The Skyline Task & Purpose website, combat-related insomnia is taking a toll on U.S. veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. A report from Van Winkle’s cited it as the most unnoticed, under-prevented, and untreated injury that servicemembers face, a major problem when the best treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is sleep.
As the longest war in U.S. history drags through its 13th year, America’s armed services are discharging an increasing number of soldiers with serious sleep problems. Exact numbers are hard to lock down, but the RAND Corporation found earlier this year that 48.5 percent of service members reported such poor sleep quality, it would qualify as a “clinically significant sleep disturbance” on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. With roughly two million U.S. veterans of the wars in Iran and Afghanistan, that means some 900,000 active or retired service members may have significant sleep disturbances or sleep disorders
Administration Delays Ending Public Homelessness:
According to an AP article published in the February 2 Washington Post, the Obama administration has pushed back by one year its goal for ending homelessness among the general public. However, it’s still maintaining a goal for ending homelessness among veterans by the end of the year.
Officials at a Housing and Urban Development Department briefing Monday said both goals were being pushed back a year, but then corrected that description to say that only the benchmark for chronic homelessness among the public had been delayed.
Veterans Affairs officials say they will push hard to end homelessness among veterans this year, but caution the results won’t be known until 2016.
Lawmakers Skeptical of Call to Abolish Tricare:
According to a February 4 Hill article by Martin Matishak, Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee grilled members of a military commission that recommended abolishing Tricare, the healthcare system for service members.
Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday grilled members of a military commission that recommended abolishing Tricare, the healthcare system for service members.
The proposal was one of 15 unveiled last week by the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission, and it is quickly proving to be controversial on Capitol Hill.
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.) asked five members of congressionally appointed panel how doing away with the network and replacing it with an array of private provider options would be an improvement