DAV supports H.R. 7703, the Fair Access to Co-ops for Veterans Act. This bill would allow veterans the ability to use their VA home loan certificates to help purchase cooperative housing units. Co-ops are typically apartments in large buildings, particularly in big cities. However, several other co-op housing types exist, including the following: townhouses, duplexes, single-family homes or manufactured homes. They are generally considered more affordable housing in major cities. DAV supports this legislation as it would provide service-disabled veterans more options to obtain affordable housing for themselves and their families. Affordable housing options are one of the top priorities for service-disabled veterans, especially those transitioning from active duty. We ask that you contact your Representative and urge them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 7703—the Fair Access to Co-ops for Veterans Act. Thank you for your continued support of service-disabled veterans, their families, survivors and caregivers. |