See below graphic for information location for primary care clinics.

See below graphic for information location for primary care clinics.
January 5, 2023
Delayed opening for North OKC VA Clinic
OKLAHOMA CITY —The Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Heath Care System is currently notifying local Veterans that the North OKC VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic will be closed between 3 to 6 months due to water damage from a broken water riser valve.
The OKC VA hospital is asking patients that had previously scheduled appointments at North OKC Clinic and are unsure of their new transitioned appointment location, please contact the VA scheduling staff at 405-456-1000, select option 2.
During this temporary closure period, Veterans medical needs are a priority and Veterans will be contacted and redirected to alternative clinic locations around the Oklahoma City metropolitan area.
For any questions or concerns about upcoming scheduled appointments, Veterans can call the Oklahoma City VA to ensure every Veteran previously scheduled at North OKC CBOC has a new rescheduled appointment location.
The OKC VA understands this is an inconvenience and wants to assure Veterans that every effort is being made to minimize the impact on their healthcare experience. They are tentatively targeting January 16, 2024, for confirmation of the new appointment locations.
The building owner is currently working diligently with the insurance company, cleaning crews and construction teams to repair the site as soon as possible.
Again, if you are unsure of your new North OKC appointment location, please contact the VA scheduling staff at 405-456-1000, select option 2.
Please join DAV in our support of H.R. 6331/S. 2465, the Delivering Optimally Urgent Labor Access (DOULA) for Veterans Affairs Act of 2023. This bill would establish a pilot program within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide pregnant and post-partum women veterans access to doula services in an effort to foster better child and maternal health outcomes. Pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the early days of motherhood, can be difficult in the best of circumstances, but for women veterans, they can be further complicated by physical and mental health conditions related to military service—this includes anxiety, depression, PTSD due to combat or military sexual trauma, musculoskeletal problems and neurological issues. Doulas act as advocates before, during, and after pregnancy, helping expectant and new mothers navigate their birth experience and empowering them to self-advocate for their care, which can be especially important when health care needs are profound or veterans do not have strong, established support networks. This legislation would enhance support services for pregnant women veterans by providing access to doula care within pilot facilities, which is vital as the demand for maternity care services continues to trend upward within VA due to the growing population. By establishing Doula Service Coordinators, this legislation would also help aid in the effort to coordinate care between VA and community providers. In addition, with a focus on health equity, the establishment of the pilot program would be important in addressing poorer maternal health outcomes among minority veteran groups. Consistent with DAV Resolution No. 027, to support enhanced medical services and benefits for women veterans, we support H.R. 6331/S. 2465. Please use the prepared email to contact your elected officials to request their co-sponsorship of this important legislation. Thank you for supporting DAV in the fight for enhanced care for women veterans.. |
On June 14, 2023, the president signed into law S. 777, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2023, which authorizes a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for veterans receiving Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation, clothing allowance, and survivors receiving dependency indemnity compensation (DIC) payments. To view Public Law 118-6, click here.
VA adjusts veterans’ monthly disability compensation amounts based on the yearly change in the cost of living as determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Later this year, SSA will announce the exact percentage of increase. We will inform you of the percentage when it is announced. The COLA adjustment will be effective December 2023, and will be reflected in January 2024 compensation payments.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. —A Mobile Medical Unit has been brought in to assist the Shawnee and surrounding community Veterans that have been affected by the April 19-20 tornado and severe weather storms.
The Mobile Medical Unit is located in the parking lot of the Shawnee VA Clinic located at 3700 North Kickapoo Avenue, Shawnee Health Plaza, Shawnee, OK.
What medical assistance is the VA providing?
Veterans can receive limited primary care, be seen as walk-in patients, and answer any questions or concerns that they may have. Again, the Shawnee VA Mobile Medical Unit will be located in the parking lot from May 1 – May 5. Hours of operation will be 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM.
Other services will be offered after May 5th, please stay connected with the OKC VA Facebook page for the most up-to-date information (see link below).
Oklahoma City VA Health Care System | Oklahoma City OK | Facebook
For more information about filing your FEMA claim, contact or call
1-800-621-3362 and find out if you qualify.
If you need help rescheduling Shawnee VA appointments, please call the Shawnee VA Call Center at 405-214-1700 (option 2), OKC VA South Clinic at 405-855-6000 or the OKC VA Main Hospital at 405-456-1000.
Shawnee-area Veterans who may need other assistance can contact the OKC VA Disaster Relief Hotline at 405-456-7119.
Veterans needing non-emergency medical assistance they can contact the Tele-Express Care line at 405-456-8353.
March 29, 2023 No. 23-14
Eastern Oklahoma VA Health Care System Updates Masking Policy
Effective immediately, the Eastern Oklahoma VA Health Care System is updating its masking requirements for Veterans, visitors, volunteers, and staff at all sites of care. We will continue to ensure the safety of our Veterans, especially those who are most vulnerable, while accommodating individual masking preferences. We will continue to monitor community spread in order to align our masking practices with CDC and VHA guidelines.
While community risk levels are low, as they are now, unmasking will be permitted in low risk outpatient and administrative areas. Masking will still be required in the following high risk areas.
Additionally, Veterans and their caregivers who are meeting with staff in clinical and/or administrative areas may request that VA staff wear a mask at any time.
House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Mark Takano (Calif.) introduced H.R. 7589, the Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran (REMOVE) Copays Act. This bill would eliminate medical care copayments for veterans’ first three mental health visits in a calendar year. Overcoming the stigma of seeking mental health treatment is in itself a victory. For some service-connected veterans, these copayments are a significant barrier to medically necessary care. Financial obstacles should not be another challenge or deterrent to receiving potentially life-saving mental health treatment. DAV supports this important legislation in accordance with DAV Resolution No. 022, which calls for elimination or reduction of medical care copayments for service-connected veterans and applauds Chairman Takano for his leadership in working to ensure at-risk veterans continue to seek the mental health treatment they have earned. Please contact your representative and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 7589, the REMOVE Copays Act. Thank you for participating in the DAV Commander’s Action Network. |
As a reminder, the PACT Act will provide health care and presumptive benefits for veterans exposed to hazardous environments. After years of fighting, we are close to comprehensive toxic exposure legislation. We need your help again to keep the pressure on the Senate to get it passed. On June 16th, the Senate passed the Honoring Our PACT Act 84-14. Unfortunately, due to a procedural issue, the House returned it to the Senate. On June 24th, the Senate tried to pass the corrected version, however, that was blocked by one Senator. The House introduced the Senate version of the PACT Act and on July 13th they passed it out of the House with a vote of 342-88. The bill then went to the Senate. However, on Wednesday July 27th, the bill was stopped from going to the Senate floor. Twenty-five Senators who voted to pass the PACT Act on June 16th, voted on Wednesday to stop the bill. The PACT Act will be voted on again in the Senate on Monday. We need you to CALL YOUR SENATOR TODAY. Tell them to vote “YES” for S. 3373, Honoring Our PACT Act. This bipartisan bill provides a truly comprehensive solution to toxic exposures and our fellow veterans and their families can’t afford to wait. Click the action button to get the phone numbers for your Senators and call them NOW. Please use the script we have provided. Once you have made your calls, please provide feedback. Thank you for your support of America’s service disabled veterans and their families. |
As of July 16, the Veterans Crisis Line has a new number: 988 then Press 1
Signed into law in 2020, the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act authorized 988 as the new three-digit number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. As part of the law, all telephone service providers in the U.S. had to activate the number no later than July 16, 2022. The new number helps make it easier to remember and share with others to access help in times of need.
Veterans can use this new option by dialing 988 and pressing 1 to contact the Veterans Crisis Line. Veterans may still reach the Veterans Crisis Line with the previous phone number—1-800-273-8255 and Press 1—by text (838255), and through chat (